
Russia Premiere of the M120 MILLTURN

Russia Premiere of the M120 MILLTURN

It’s a First! WFL Millturn Technologies presents the M120 MILLTURN – the premium class of complete machining for the first time in Moscow.

From filigree internal gearing with immense accuracy requirements to external spline with coarsely roughened – WFL offers the adequate technologies for any kind of gear.

This presentation secures the position as technological market leader for WFL, as complete machining of complex parts up to 12000mm length is now reality. Besides the superior power and torque levels of the spindle drive, also the massive process forces on all axis convince with its captivating dynamic and maximum productivity.

The multifunctional ingenuity enables several machining options such as turning, milling, boring, deep hole drilling, internal machining and gear cutting for all angled operations. Due to the massive grey cast iron sled bed and the large dimension guidance systems, perfect stability and extreme damping qualities are guaranteed. Additionally, the machining process can be done in any geometric contour thanks to the interpolation of up to 5 axis. Especially, gear cutting processes in large dimensions experience a peak at the moment.

“Flanx“ – WFL Gearing Solutions

„The demanding expectations in the area of gear production claim the highest quality and profile correctness combined with reliable and flexible solutions (especially in the manufacturing area of small and medium sized batches).” This is the answer fromKenneth Sundberg, General Manager „After Market Sales“ bei WFL Millturn Technologies, as we talked with him about his passion for gearing solutions. Even though machining operations on traditional gear cutting machines is well-established, there is a new trend in this business. Become differentiated with the 5 axis complete machining centers from WFL Millturn Technologies.

Competitive pressure is in the air. Constantly changing customer requirements set a new framework in the area of gear production. It gets more and more evident that the times when the complex methods of gear production were reserved only for niche markets or specialists come to an end. The trend towards shorter lead times and consequently an increased production output needs a strategic rethinking of gear manufacturers as an economic method of production is only possible when all gears engage seamlessly. To play in the top league of metal processing, manufacturer have to be able to deliver both: highest quality and flawless results. Thanks to the 5 axis complete machining centers and the advanced WFL technology “flawless” is an achievable goal.

The manufacturing process of gearing solutions is based on stable processes. Machining operations are affected even by the smallest changes. Therefore, the perfect combination of machining center, process data, clamping tools and measurement systems are significant. Thanks to the latest measure and scanning technology, inflexible manufacturing methods with customized high-speed steel (HSS) tools fall into oblivion. In return, the importance of automatic quality inspection increases rapidly. A precise interpretation of the evaluated data enables the operator to take eventual corrective measures. When it comes to the competitive production of a single gear piece or pinion it is essential to have individual and flexible control over the production system.

More Informations on „Flanks“ Gearing Solutions are available here.